Friday, March 22, 2013

Lonely Melody

The yearnings of spring hath been refused
Yet new life abounds in a glint, a glimmer
A melody faint dost by thou ear whisper
A tantalizing voice tempts thee come and go
To bid farewell the time gone by
To follow the inkling of new desire
A symphony ripe with yet unheard sounds
Fierce and fiery notes of glorious timbre.
Wilt thou accompany this lonely melody?

Thursday, December 1, 2011


This is going to be simply a random assortment of thoughts. What fun.

Running lights for a kids' program is much fun... especially when you're required to flash the lights throughout an entire song. Something about that is just exhilarating; I'm not quite sure why.

Social Security is running downhill, and it's going to crash soon if the system isn't fixed. (If you're interested in the facts I base that claim upon, ask for my research paper.)

Our nation obviously has financial problems, and I've heard many proposed solutions. One in particular stands out because it is has just recently been presented to me: controlling the birth rate. It does make sense; generally speaking, fewer people means less money being spent.

Unfortunately, my time here has run out for now. I shall explore this plausible solution more at a later date.

Friday, November 11, 2011

One more thing...

I cannot believe I left this out of my first blog... (that sounds so weird... blog...)

I am a diehard Christian. I am not ashamed of my beliefs, nor am I afraid to defend them, which I can do quite well. Yes, there are times when I fail epically and don't represent Christ as I should... and those times include the moments when I get too argumentative about my faith. As a Christian, I'm not called to argue or debate, I'm called to love...

While there are times I do get very fiery and argumentative, my greatest joy is in loving people. The most rewarding moments are those in which I break outside of the prison of myself and do something that benefits someone else, not me. This is backward thinking in our society, but it is the only thing that makes me truly happy (other than Christ himself and what He's done). I've noticed, especially as of late, that the more focused I am on myself, the more I am depressed and insecure....

When I break the chains of my own mind and focus on others, I am free. I am no longer bound to my self, the worries and doubts of my own mind, but I am free to love as Christ loved, to do something that will always be remembered...

My greatest moment in taekwondo wasn't when I won 2nd place at the World Kickboxing Championships, nor did take place when I won the Junior Olympics. It was at a comparatively tiny tournament... I cleaned out the trophies. I won 1st in three events... but I only took home 2 1st place trophies.

There was a three year old boy, cute as could be. It was his first tournament. He didn't win, didn't even come close in his division. Afterwards, armed with a 1st place trophy, I went over to talk to him and his family. I asked him how he had done. After looking at his grandma, he looked at me with the most innocent expression and said "I did good!" while nodding his head... My heart melted. As I congratulated him on a job well done, I handed him the trophy. I think he was in shock. I gave him a high five, said congrats again, and walked off. Later, his parents asked if I would take a picture with him and his first trophy. As we posed for the camera, he said "Cheeeese!"... Oh my goodness... 

That is the most meaningful trophy I've ever won... My only hope is that it means more to him than it does to me.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I'm not exactly typical...

To be completely honest, I have no idea what I should say, much less what I want to say. I started this in response to a friend's blog, so I think I'll start off as he did...

I am a teenager. However, unlike most, I actually use "the central nervous system we so charmingly call a brain." I think for myself...

(Catch the irony?)

I am not afraid to argue my beliefs, no matter how unpopular they may be... And I expect to do quite a lot of it in response to my friend's blog. We tend to debate... a lot, unfortunately.

Even so, I am not all hardheaded and argumentative. Most never see that side of me. I'm normally thought of the tiny, soft-spoken, well-mannered smart kid... who just so happens to be an accomplished martial artist. I also have a love for piano and classical music.

I'm not exactly typical, lol.